The Drupal Association DrupalCon Grant & Scholarship program allows all Drupal Community members, who would otherwise not be able to attend DrupalCon, to benefit from the DrupalCon experience as the Drupal Community benefits from each scholar's attendance.
Congratulations to our DrupalCon Prague 2013 Grant & Scholarship recipients.
Grant Recipients
Sebastian Siemssen (fubhy) - AU
Alex Pott (alexpott) - GB
Andrei Mateescu (amateescu) - FR
Vijayachandran Mani (vijaycs85) - ID
Tim Plunkett (tim.plunkett) - US
Lin Clark (linclark) - US
Joel Pittet (joelpittet) - CA
Scott Reeves (Cottser) - CA
Yves Chedemois (yched) - FR
Bojhan Somers (Bojhan) - NL
Kristof de Jaeger (swentel) - BE
Scholarship Recipients
Capi Etheriel (barraponto) - BR
Ssegujja Alex (LeXo) - UG
Augustin Delaporte (GuGuss) FR
Daniela Zeledón (daniezc) - CR
Elian Myftiu (elianm) - AL
Dmytro Danylevskyi (danylevskyi) - UA
Radim Klaška (radimklaska) - CZ
Emma Karayiannis (emma.maria) - GB
Herjan van Eijk (h3rj4n) - NL
Grzegorz Bartman (grzegorz.bartman) - PL
Jan Pobořil (Bobík) - CZ