CKEditor for site builders: Q&A with the CKEditor developers!

You're a Drupal site builder and are wondering how you can effectively use CKEditor? Then this BoF is for you!

If you're a developer, see the Q&A for developers BoF!

1. Demo

A brief (<5 minutes) demonstration will be given of:

  • Why the Drupal 7 modules (CKEditor/WYSIWYG modules) sucked and the Text Editor/CKEditor modules in Drupal 8 rock
  • How to enable CKEditor for a text format.
  • How to configure CKEditor, and how that UI automatically updates your filter settings.
  • The things CKEditor can do out of the box (Advanced Content Filter, image uploading, image alignment and captioning, in-place editing, and so on).
  • How Advanced Content Filter prevents crappy HTML.
  • The things CKEditor can do with additional configuration (site-specific "styles" for content e.g. for callouts).
  • The things CKEditor can do if you install additional plugins.

After that, we open the floor to any and all questions you might have.

2. Q&A

If you still have any doubts with regards to how the deep CKEditor integration into Drupal will improve the authoring experience for your users and customers, we will hopefully take those away.

Will be present to answer your questions:

  • Wim Leers, who was the liaison between Drupal and CKEditor, and led the integration
  • Frederico Knabben, CKEditor founder/project lead, CKSource owner
  • Wiktor Walc, CKSource CTO, worked on CKEditor modules for ages
  • Piotrek Koszuliński, CKEditor developer, developed the CKEditor Widgets system and worked on the Advanced Content Filter system and pasting support
  • Olek Nowodziński, CKEditor developer, worked on the Advanced Content Filter system, HiDPI (retina) support and many parts of CKEditor
Schedule Information
Time slot: 
Wednesday · 17:00-18:00