The grants and scholarships program is due and we managed to award 22 Drupal people with either a grant or scholarship to help them attend DrupalCon in Prague. This awards could include travel expenses, a ticket for the conference, or both. You can check out the list of recipients in the community section of this page.
The candidate selection process involved a team formed by Pedro Cambra (pcambra), Lewis Nyman (lewisnyman) and Michael Schmid (Schnitzel) that after discussing the candidates and taking some tough decisions came up with a list of recommendations.
Selecting the right people was a really difficult one, every candidate was evaluated individually based on whether they’ve applied for a grant or a scholarship and their skills and application forms.
Grants selection criteria was mainly based in the importance of the candidate to the Drupal project as a whole whereas scholarships were more based in the impact or influence on the Drupal adoption that the person would have at their home region. All this factors, added to the option of requesting a full or partial scholarship were taken into account to build the final list of recommended candidates.
Sadly there was not budget enough to award funding to everyone in the recommendation list, leaving some recipients still in need of financial assistance... but then some magic happened and the amazing Drupal community stepped up to help. Thanks to some really generous recipients who offered to share their award, two extra people were given grants that couldn’t possibly have been awarded otherwise.
Congratulations to our DrupalCon Prague 2013 Grant & Scholarship recipients!
Grant Recipients
Sebastian Siemssen (fubhy) - AU
Alex Pott (alexpott) - GB
Andrei Mateescu (amateescu) - FR
Vijayachandran Mani (vijaycs85) - ID
Tim Plunkett (tim.plunkett) - US
Lin Clark (linclark) - US
Joel Pittet (joelpittet) - CA
Scott Reeves (Cottser) - CA
Yves Chedemois (yched) - FR
Bojhan Somers (Bojhan) - NL
Kristof de Jaeger (swentel) - BE
Scholarship Recipients
Capi Etheriel (barraponto) - BR
Ssegujja Alex (LeXo) - UG
Augustin Delaporte (GuGuss) FR
Daniela Zeledón (daniezc) - CR
Elian Myftiu (elianm) - AL
Dmytro Danylevskyi (danylevskyi) - UA
Radim Klaška (radimklaska) - CZ
Emma Karayiannis (emma.maria) - GB
Herjan van Eijk (h3rj4n) - NL
Grzegorz Bartman (grzegorz.bartman) - PL
Jan Pobořil (Bobík) - CZ
Image courtesy: Celine Nadeau
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