Call for content and scholarship application deadline tonight

Tonight in just a few hours, at 12. July at 23:59 CEST, is the end of DrupalCon Prague's call for content, as well as the scholarship application deadline.

If you want to submit a session but you're not sure about the topic, review our tracks for inspiration and find out what sessions others have already proposed. Want to learn how to make a better submission? Check out these session proposal tips, and get a better idea of the session selection process.

Submit a Session

If you've already submitted a session, you might be hearing back from our track chairs soon, as they are already offering suggestions and asking questions about submitted sessions.

To learn more about the DrupalCon Grants & Scholarships program, take a look at, then submit your application. If you or someone you know would be an ideal candidate for this program, there's still several hours remaining to take advantage of this opportunity! All applicants will be notified prior to 20. July with the status of their applications.

Apply for a Grant or Scholarship

We look forward to getting your submissions today!

Image courtesy: Amazee Labs, taken at DrupalCon Munich