Have a build (and automate it with Phing)

Click here to watch Have a build (and automate it with Phing).

The first step to having a real continuous integration process in place is to automate your build - find out how we did this with Phing and get started with CI the right way.

There have never been more repetative tasks for a Drupal developer. From managing databases and exportables in Drupal 7 to the advent of compiled PHP classes in Drupal 8 and the use of SASS and compass tools now common in front-end development, there is a bevy of long command line incantations a developer needs day to day.

A build system can capture these repetative jobs in a simple to use, sharable library of tasks that not only developers can run with ease but a build server can use to assemble, test and report on project status.

Topics covered

  • Identifying what to put in your build
  • Getting started with phing
  • Developing custom phing tasks
  • Adapting builds for a CI server to run
  • Collecting and reporting results
  • Schedule Information
    Experience level: 
    Time slot: 
    Thursday · 14:15-15:15