TWIG It - ship it!
Click here to watch TWIG It - ship it!.
A deep dive into the Drupal 8 Theme system: Twig
You saw the sessions, you heard the theory, you saw the slides.
Now its time to {{ code }} a real theme live in front of a demanding audience and get deeper into Twig.
The live demo will be interrupted by (moderated) questions from the attendees, so there will be enough time to explain the new structure for Drupal themes.
First: A moments of silence over the tiplphiphs & phptemplate
You are the theme to my module
* Setting up your new Twig theme
* Layout basics of the new theme
* Twig syntax explained in real world examples (loops, menus, translations, template inheritance)
* Layouts
* CSS & JS
* Debug tools
I'm the module to your theme
Theme functions are out - Twig files are in, what to do now.
CSS & the rules you must abide.
This session is for themers that wanna get ready to roll as soon as Drupal 8 is released.
We will also look into modules & how to make them play nice with the theme layer.
So very important. This is the themer complement to our module upgrade lab proposal: